We Are At a Crossroad

In 1930 86% of all adults were married, today only 46% of all adults are married.  What does that mean for God’s plan for marriage.  If God designed marriage so that it would be a reflection of His love for us.  If our most impactful way to show God’s image and likeness is in the one-flesh union of marriage and now the number of people choosing to marry is declining at a rapid pace are we not further losing that critical picture of Christ’s love for the church (us)?

That precious picture of Christ’s love for us, that is to be modeled by marriage (God’s way) is declining, not only by fewer and fewer people getting married, but sadly by the fewer and fewer marriages that radiate the glory of God.  How many marriages do you know that reflect the attributes of Jesus Christ?

We are at a CROSSROAD!  As Christians we have a duty to not just keep our marriages together but that they truly reflect who God is.  That is a choice we must make, not based on how our spouse has treated us in the last 48 hours.  Our mission is much bigger than our marriage.  As marriages decline the opportunity to display the Serving and Sacrificial traits of Jesus Christ become fewer and fewer.  If those of us that are married continue to portray marriage as unattractive, even ugly at times,  then we are worse than those who make the decision to live together, forsaking marriage as God intended.  Choosing not to get a divorce is not the same as choosing to be married to glorify our King!

Our latest “Fail Proof Your Marriage Conference” brought together people at many different stages of life.  We had couples from their early twenties to late seventies.  There were couples who had been contemplating divorce, couples doing great, in an earthly sense, not thinking about the greater mission that their marriage holds, divorced singles, separated spouses and couples that truly yearn for a marriage that does what God designed it to do.  For two days they took a stand against Satan and his ferocious war he is raging against marriages and the family.  We worry about those who attended and the choices they will make as they return to their homes.

We are at a Crossroad folks, what will you do? 

Pray Continually,

Mike & Jill




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